my mom said it depends on your harmones but yeah is bar soap good for your face? THANKXIs bar soap still good to wash your face with?
only if the bar is made for FACE and made for your skin type. NON face bar soap is bad for your skin. Is bar soap still good to wash your face with?
no u need a scrub to get all that excess dirt off. the bar isnt doing a thing but cleaning the surface, u need to go beyond the surface.
no it is soooo bad for it so u should use rubbing acohol for your face it gets rid of acne and opens your pours
No, I wouldn't recommend a bar of soap.
Your skin becomes dry.
You should see a dermatologist..... they will help you... and bar soap.... no way!!! get a face wash specifically for clearing acne......hope i helped!!!
well i dont use that...when i USED TO...after my face would feel soo dry and it was like i couldnt move ...........just use other night products...or alchol
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