Sunday, December 20, 2009

What would happen if I used dish soap to wash my hair?

I Ran outta shampoo and My parents are away for the weekend. Im only 15 and I cant drive to the supermarket. I have a date tomorrow night and the last time I showered was yesterday. I dont wanna have a smelly head tomorrow night!What would happen if I used dish soap to wash my hair?
I really wouldn't recomend using dish soap to wash your hair. Dish soap is really concentrated and it's made for washing your dishes, not your hair. It's really bad for your hair. Do you have any friends that live nearby? Maybe you can just borrow their shampoo...What would happen if I used dish soap to wash my hair?
dont use dish shampoo! it'll ruin your hair. ask your friends if you can borrow some and if not that just use a body wash or body soap.
it would make your hair clean.

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